Ad astra per aspera.

Or roughly in English, "To the stars through difficulty".

I've been thinking profusely lately about the human condition. What really defines difficulty? Is it when we step into the unknown from our comfort zone? Personally when the world around me changes too quickly it leaves me dumbfounded and confused about where to go next. In fact, sometimes I would rather sit out of life's trials completely. "Hey Life, I'm going to sit this one out, is that alright with you?" Of course this free pass doesn't exist, so what makes us suck it up and continue?

Growing up I was told that there would always be someone worse off than I was, and someone who was probably in a better spot. Despite this, I needed to be happy with what I had. In the aid of others, what makes us reach into our pockets to give that man on the freeway exit a handful of change, and what makes us ignore him with a turn of glance? Convenience, I believe, is defined by individual necessity, especially in a world of broken economical standing. For example, I may happen to think, "If I give that man a dollar, what if I lose my apartment in a week?" Protecting ourselves is instinctual.

In the worst of times it's easy to live in the moment and base an entire lifetime in a minute, hour, day or week. How could things possibly get better when I wake up tomorrow when things are so terrible in the present? And yet some of us that next morning will get up, get dressed and head out into the world to try again. Maybe it's because we have to prove. Maybe it's because someone told us we needed to. Either way it's that push within ourselves to make a conscious decision to play again, try our luck, roll the dice. Point As and Point Bs are varied person to person, but we all have that common drive to journey.

Now for the personalized vendetta: I truly believe leaving the Walt Disney Company was one of the worst mistakes I've made in recent time, and the thought of being so enthralled in something to losing it all was nothing short of devastation for me. So why do I continue on? I've applied again, but since I do not have access to a crystal ball, I can't predict whether I'll be rehired. Maybe it's simply the fact that I want to see what will happen that keeps me going. Maybe it's not a yes or no answer, but the journey will that follow after. Point B can't possibly be the end, so I feel like I have more exploring to do. I'm willing to admit defeat to accept a new triumph in my life. I'll pop some Tylenol and put one foot after the other.